Going Solar in New York

Feb 17, 2022

How commercial property owners can benefit in 2022

At the end of 2021, 93% of New York’s NY-Sun 6 GW solar program was fulfilled. So far, the program has created 12,000 jobs, has delivered enough renewable energy to power over 522,000 New York homes, and has nearly achieved it’s 2025 targets years early. With the success of the NY-Sun program, which includes solar on commercial, industrial, and residential properties, along with the passage of the Climate Act, the Empire State is making plans for what comes next.

By 2030, 70% of New York’s electricity must come from renewable energy sources. That includes 10 GW of non-utility-owned solar. The Distributed Solar Roadmap was developed to outline the best way for New York to achieve an additional 4GW of solar by 2030. The Roadmap is currently in a public comment period with notes expected to be published mid-March.

If you are a landowner or commercial property owner considering going solar in New York, what does the Roadmap mean for you? The answer, like many programs, is – it depends.

The Roadmap proposes to extend the existing NY-Sun program. Capacity allocation is determined by project location, type of project (owned, PPA, or community solar), and the size of the project. We encourage you to reach out to the Infiniti Energy team to help you find the best path forward for your solar projects in New York.

Solar installations covered under the Roadmap are all under 5 MW in size. The proposal for solar on commercial properties and land is further broken down to allow for 30% of allocated projects to include remote crediting (or PPAs) and 70% to be community solar projects. And overall, 40% of this solar investment will support low-income, disadvantaged communities.

NY map with Distributed Solar Roadmap breakdown imageThe 4 GW goal is broken into three regions – 2,942 MW in upstate New York, 450 MW in Con Edison territory, and 607 MW in Long Island and unincentivized upstate regions. Approximately $419M will be allocated for incentives in Con Edison territory while about $400M will go towards upstate.

As noted earlier, the Roadmap is in its public comment period and has yet to be finalized. The Infiniti Energy team will keep you updated as the program moves forward.

Solar is proven in New York and has a bright future. As a commercial property owner, dual-use farmland owner, and even landfill property owner, you have many paths to go solar in New York. The Infiniti Energy team is here to help you navigate those paths so you can choose the best way forward for your organization. 

The Infiniti Energy Team is here to help your organization navigate options and go solar in New York