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Power Your Manufacturing with the Sun

Power Your Manufacturing with the Sun

As energy prices have risen for industrial and manufacturing companies, the cost of going solar has gone down. Solar energy is changing the manufacturing landscape in the US. Read on to find out more.

Clean Energy Incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act

Clean Energy Incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act

If you own a commercial property, a warehouse, a manufacturing space, or a high-energy data center, the Inflation Reduction Act will have an impact on your business when considering solar power for your property. We have broken down the key points you should be aware of.

Going Solar in New York

Going Solar in New York

By 2030, 70% of New York’s electricity must come from renewable energy sources. That includes 10 GW of non-utility-owned solar. The Distributed Solar Roadmap was developed to outline the best way for New York to achieve an additional 4GW of solar by 2030.


What is a Solar PPA?

What is a Solar PPA?

Ever wonder what a solar PPA is? Or how it is structured for the property owner and the developer? Joe Henry, Infiniti Energy’s Director of Project Finance, talks about PPAs in this short video.

Solar in New Jersey

Solar in New Jersey

What does solar look like in New Jersey? Infiniti Energy’s Fernando Zurita, Regulatory Affairs Manager, talks about the solar landscape in New Jersey in this short clip.

Who is Infiniti Energy?

Who is Infiniti Energy?

Curious about who Infiniti Energy is? Watch this short overview of who we are and what we do from our own Jeff Bower, Director of Project Origination.